
Friday, July 3, 2015

Yoga Wheel DIY

Alright fellow yogi's and cyber friends, are you ready for an awesome DIY?

If you're a yogi, you may have heard about the awesome yoga wheels made by Dharma Yoga Wheel. These wheels are undoubtedly an incredibly useful prop for stretching out your back, shoulders and hip flexors, but they also come at a pretty hefty price - $99! I would LOVE to own one of these wheels, but I just can't justify spending that much money on a wheel at this point in my life. I am a student and paying for college on my own so I just don't have the money to spare. There are other companies like Breakin' a Sweat that make the wheels too, but they are also pretty expensive. So anyway, in most situations like this I end up showing the product to my husband -- because he is so handy -- and we try to figure out a way to make one on our own. Luckily, he had a great idea.

My husband went to our local Allied Supply Company, which is a local company that sells plumbing materials, and bought a 10" PVC coupling. Ten inches is the average size of the wheels sold online, but if you would rather have something smaller, or if you are really tall and want something larger feel free to grab whatever size you want. This coupling was 27 dollars at the store. (Edit* a reader of the blog commented below and shared a website where they will cut a piece of PVC in the diameter of your choice to the exact size you need. The website is below in the comments, '' I have not tried it, but others have had success with it!)

Here are the supplies you will need:
* A 10" diameter coupling (or the size of your choice)
* A Sharpie
* A Tape Measure
* Sawsall or Reciprocating saw
* Glue (Loctite Power Grab Tub Surround or Loctite PL Premium Polyeurethane Construction adhesive)
* An old yoga mat 
* A sander
* 150 grit and 1200 grit sandpaper

The first thing you will need to do is pick the width you want your wheel to be. I don't know the exact width of the ones sold online, but I believe they are about 4 or 5 inches. I wanted my wheel to be about 6 inches wide so I measured six inches all the way around the wheel. The more marks you make the better because these will be the marks you will follow around the wheel, so more will help you keep your line as straight as possible.

The next step is to cut the wheel with your saw. The first cut was the hardest because we were using a long blade just to get through the thick material, then we switched to a shorter blade and went all the way around. I'm sorry I don't have any photos of this step, I had to hold the wheel while my husband made the cuts. You will need to use a medium tooth blade, not a fine tooth, and you may find it helpful to use oil while cutting. 

Once you are done cutting, get the sander and use the 150 grit sandpaper to smooth any imperfections from cutting the PVC. Then use finer grits of sandpaper to smooth it even more. I did the finer grit by hand.

After you finish sanding you will need to wash the wheel with soap and water and get it as clean as possible before you apply the glue. Then you need to get out your old yoga mat and cut it to fit over the outside of the wheel. Lay the mat out flat and measure and mark it to be wide enough to fit over the wheel with about half an inch or less of the PVC showing on each side. Btw, if you don't have an old yoga mat you can find a pretty cheap one at TJ Maxx, I found some there between 7.99 and 14.99. Another option would be to find a cork mat at your local hobby/art supply store or WalMart and use that instead of yoga mat material.

We experimented with several different types of glue because we ended up finishing the extra PVC that we cut off as another wheel for our daughter. The glue that we used on my wheel was Loctite PL Premium Polyeurethane Construction adhesive. As far as I can tell it worked pretty well, but we applied to glue to the PVC and laid the mat over it so some of the edges of the yoga mat were not completely secured to the wheel. I just took some Contact Cement and brushed it on the edges to secure them. I recommend that you lay your strip of mat out flat and apply the glue to the mat first, then take your wheel and set it on the mat and roll it over the mat until it is all attached. If you get glue in some areas where it shouldn't be it might be a good idea to have a wet towel on hand to wipe it up! On the second wheel we experimented with Loctite Power Grab Tub Surround because it stated that it was made for PVC and plastic surfaces. I think either option will work fine.

This is how the first wheel turned out! Not bad, right?

But say you really want to add some pizzazz, some color! Well, no problem. On the second wheel that we finished out for our daughter we decided to see how it would look if we painted it. 

We used a Rustoleum brand paint that bonds with plastic and has paint and primer in one. She chose blue. There are tons of fun colors and styles you could try though, so feel free to be creative. We even found some glow in the dark paint that would probably be really cool for some Glow Yoga! We also picked a clear coat. We chose one made for cars because I wanted to make sure it would chip as little as possible. Just keep in mind if you do decide to paint there is always a chance of chipping. Also, like I said earlier, we used a different type of glue on this one, Loctite Power Grab Tub Surround. 

Here is the second final product! 

So there ya have it folks!

I would love to see your creations, so if you attempt this take lots of pictures and share with me! Find me on instagram @urdhva_shaynasana and tag me if you post pictures! Use #DIYyogawheel and #rocketcityyogi also, to help me easily find your photos. I will eventually do another post with photos of all the #DIYsuccess wheels, but I need photos!
 If you find anything to make this project easier, feel free to share and if you have questions, feel free to ask! 

As a disclaimer, I would like to say that I am not trying to discourage you from buying the Yoga Wheel products that you can find online! I am just showing you an option if you don't have that kind of money or if you just like to make things yourself. I'm sure I will buy one of the wheels myself once I save the money!

Namaste lovelies! 


  1. Thank you very very much for this diy! I have looked for one for a long time and now it's finally here! Gonna try it by myself asap.

  2. No problem! Feel free to share your photos when you are done, I would love to do a post featuring the creations of people who tried it themselves!

  3. I would like to build one for myself but the 12" pvc tube found locally ( I'm from Italy) seems to be a bit thin...what's the thickness of your tube?

  4. Ours is about a 1/4 of an inch thick. I recommend schedule 40, or if you want it extra thick you can go with schedule 80. I would avoide class 200 because it may be too thin. Hopefully this translates to how they make PVC pipe in Italy!

  5. Thanks for the info Shayna, I founded only schedule 20 around my town. it's 6.35mm thick, about the same as yours so it should be ok.
    Eventually if I need it more sturdy I'll think something for reinforce the internal side :)

    1. Scusa ma in termini nostri come sarebbe ? Pvc di quanto? E si trova in ferramenta o dove altro? Grazie della delucidazione

  6. No problem, I'm glad you found something similar! Hopefully no reinforcements will be necessary :P

  7. I can't wait to try this, and I'll shoot you a picture when it's done.

    I broke my as rum 2 years ago and still have issues with it. Especially sitting in training on the floor. :-/ also, when my daughter was born, around 4 to 6 months before the sacrum fracture, I broke my tailbone. Hopefully this will not only help those but also my back and neck.

  8. Now that it has been a few months since you crafted these yoga wheels, do you have a preference between which glue you used? How has the paint held up?

    1. I have no preference, both glues have held up equally well!

  9. Schedule 40 tends to be more brittle than schedule 20, and can therefore hold less weight overall. Keep that in mind when choosing your PVC. Breakin' A Sweat is the only Yoga Wheel company that uses PVC that increases in thickness with diameter (15" wheel wall is thicker than the 12", which is thicker than the 10"). That's why they have a higher weight capacity than other wheels. Other than that, happy DIY-ing!

  10. This is exactly what I am looking for. I knew there had to be a way to make one. Thank you!

  11. Replies
    1. Unfortunately our Home Depot doesn't carry pieces of PVC pipe this size so we had to find the pipe at a specialty store, although someone above mentioned a website that you can find the PVC from that will also cut it to size and ship it to you. Everything else can be found at Home Depot.

  12. Just what I was looking for! Hoping mine don't turn into a "Pinterest fail" lol Thanks for sharing!!

  13. Awesome, great instructions, thank you! Where did you find the coupling? I was looking on line and 10''x6'' was 285$ and that is more than a dharma wheel!

    1. We found ours at a local plumbing store, but another DIYer mentioned a website that has the pipe and will also cut it to size and ship to to you!

  14. Thank you for the inspiration and can't wait to make one for myself. I just ordered my PVC from a website that sells cut to size PVC pipes and got a 5" length x 10" diameter sched 40 for 13$ at

    1. Thank you so much for sharing that find!!! You're a gem! I hope your wheel turns out great, I would love to see photos!

  15. Thanks Anon for the site!! Was struggling to find anything and was about to buy a 1-foot section of pipe on ebay for $55 with shipping. Flex PVC has something already pre-cut to whatever length you want for $29 with shipping. Awesome.

  16. Well I followed your instructions and I LOVE my wheel!!! Thank you for this post!!

    1. I'm so glad these instructions worked out for you! I would love to see your finished product! If you have Instagram post a photo and tag @rocketcity_yogi

  17. One of my neighbors actually had a piece of PVC like this and gave it to me. How or what did you use to glue the yoga mat to the PVC?

    1. We tried two different types and both have held up equally well. The first was Loctite PL Premium Polyeurethane construction adhesive and the other was called Loctite Power grab Tub Surround.

  18. Yo consegui mi PVC, pero no se ahora mismo como rematar los lados, pues el grosor no esta grande como el tuyo... no sé que puedo ponerle para mejorarlo

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. I just bought the pvc from hope it works out! Thanks for the post!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. How did it work out? I just ordered mine.....I'm super excited :-)

    3. I have sanded it and cannot decide if I want to paint it or not! Shayna, did your painted one hold up?

    4. The painted one has held up really well so far, I'm pretty impressed! We did use a clear coat made for cars that we found at Home Depot though so I think that was the trick!

  21. hi, yoga wheels are very expensive, so I found your page and thought that it would be fun to make a yoga wheel. Where do I get a 10" coupling from?
    Kind regards,

    1. One of the readers found and you can order the size and length you need from there for pretty cheap! Or you might be able one at your local plumbing supply store.

  22. Hi Shayna
    We made a wheel today from your post. Thank you so so so much for sharing this, you're a star! I cannot post a photo here to show you.
    Big hugs

    1. I'm so glad this helped you! If you want you can send me an email with your finished product to or if you have an Instagram post a photo and tag @rocketcity_yogi

  23. Thank you for posting the instructions and additional information.
    Could I ask you how tall you are? Just because I'm trying to decide between 10" and 12".

    1. No problem! I am 5'2" so not very tall, haha.

    2. Thank you so much Shaayna!!! :)

    3. Oops, Shayna. Sorry for the typo.

  24. I just looked at's website, and the more specific link posted and I can't find the right stuff (so either the price went up or the link no longer goes to the right page). It's all greek to me, and I'm fluent in hula hoop tubing. Halp!

    1. Hi Beatrice,
      I ordered a pipe so I can share what I did.
      I looked at:

      I wanted Schedule 40 pipe 12-inch diameter so I looked at "Sch 40 12 inch Rigid PVC pipe Custom Length WHITE."
      I wanted to have it cut to 5-inch width so under "Cut size:", selected "0" for feet and "5" for inches.
      I wanted just 1 pipe so "Quantity" is set to 1.
      Then I clicked "Add to Cart" and placed the order.

      I hope this helps you.
      IF you want 10-inch diameter pipe, go to:

      If your browser doesn't show these pages, clear your browsing histories.
      I can access this page without any problems.

      Good luck!

  25. Hi Shayna,
    This tutorial is great and I'm looking into this flexpvc website a lot of people have mentioned - I am curious how tall you are and if you feel the 10" wheel works well for you? I am about 5'5" slightly closer to 5'6" I think - debating between a 10" or a 12"

    Thanks! Sadie

    1. Nvm - I just found the answer a few comments up! :)

  26. I've been making my own wheels and they are great. Still looking for a quality yoga mat though. Any recommendations?

    1. Picking a mat is such a personal choice because everyone has their own preferences. With that said, my preference is for the Lululemon mat. It's going to cost you more than a mat you can get at Target or Walmart, but not as much as some other brands and it's good quality. Nice and sticky, and it has two sides you can use.

    2. I use the Manduka Pro Black Mat extra long. It is super heavy, but worth it to me. It's not too thick making it better for your joints and balance. Just remember that Yoga didn't begin on fluffy, cushiony mats. The more closely your contact to the earth, the better. Namaste!

  27. I love this DYI but, if I'm going to spend money on making one it almost ends up being the same price as any yoga wheel out there so, I went on eBay and found a few pretty inexpensive. Also, Walmart sells these as well. Maybe if I had a studio and to have some friends come by to practice with me would be fun to have several of them, but for now in our small apartment, I rather spend the money and get one at either of these two places. Just sharing my two cents here =)

    1. For me, the cost ended up being around 30. When I first posted this DIY about a year and a half ago the only options available were Darma Yoga Wheel and BAS with the cheapest available being about $70 plus an insane amount for shipping. Since then there has been an explosion of companies making these at much cheaper prices. So yeah, now if you would rather just pay the extra and get one online it totally makes sense. However, at the time it made sense to me to save money and make it myself since the difference was so huge and the options were limited. Hope that clears up any confusion!

  28. It's amazing how widely available they are now compared when the original Yoga Wheels came out and were ridiculously expensive. Surely they will not be able to stay in business. It's amazing that they are now so common that Walmart carries them. Definitely don't make one now that you can get one so cheaply. I'd love to know how the Walmart wheels compare. Best of Luck!

  29. 5 below also has cheap yoga mats

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  31. Love your idea...I'm a lady plumber and had the same thought and was searching for dimensions when I found your post. Glad to hear yours held up well! I was thinking they were normally about 12" ×6" or so. Were you overall pleased with the size you chose? Thanks so much for your DIY post!

  32. I am definitely enjoying your website. You definitely have some great insight and great stories.
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  33. Great tips, many thanks for sharing. I have printed and will stick on the wall! I like this blog. yoga wheel workout

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  35. Def a game changer to make your own yoga wheel! I currently own two (one I bought during COVID that was affordable on Amazon, and another make with the outside with cork which I so love and was also on sale during COVID), and these are perfect for yoga or if you want to learn inversions!
